Paul Washer: Be a Man

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blanketing the Truck Stop

Let me try to catch up on the trucking side of ministry. On the 17th I stayed home to comfort my wife who has tremendous migrains more often than not. Most of the time (if you meet her) she will have some pain in her head. Most of the time she can work through it but then there are those times that "crush" her head. At these times even touching her hair will hurt her scalp. Last week Thursday the 17th was one of those days.

Jeff Worthum who has been going out with me to the stop went out on his own. Praise the Lord, He works His infailing love in the lives of those who witness and testify of Him. Already Jeff has grown leaps in his short history of the "stop". No longer is Jeff getting laid out on rabbit ministry. I realize there are people out there that have the capacity to listen to peoples needs ad nauseum. I also know I need to be sensitive to the needs of sinners when they lay out their heart to you. Listen to what Christ instructed His Apostles to do as they went out without their Him, Mat 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. In Genesis Eve said to God, serpent beguiled me, and I did eat, Genesis; Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field. The word serpent could (ὄφις) be used as someone with sharp vision or sight. Paul speaking to the Roman church said it another way, "I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil". I would say that in the way our Lord phrased it, we need to know at least a surface knowledge of who we might come into conversation with on the street. If you look at the way Paul phrased it, he not only confirmed what our Lord said but also pushed it further. Further, meaning (my thinking), don't waste your time reading articles about cults, atheists, Catholics or whatever it may be. I think to waste your time means to use "too much" time so that there is very little left to use on the Word of God, and prayer. If I had one hour to prepare myself for witnessing, I would use maybe, possibly, ten minutes tops to learn of the cult I might have dealings. I would rather use most of my time preparing my mind by the standard set be my Lord, His Word! His Word is Truth, theirs isn't, His Word separates bone and marrow, soul and spirit, theirs doesn't, His Word prevails long after the conversation, theirs doesn't, His Word commands all men to repent, theirs can't. His Word starts with righteousness and victory, theirs starts with dead men's thoughts. As soon as you know that the person no matter who it may be is dead in all things related to Christ, it becomes no contest.

If you prepare yourself in this way you will never lose the battle of the mind. God's Word triumphs every time.

If you notice in the Word of the Lord there is nothing in scripture that tells us to read about the Pharisee, Sadduces, or Beelzebub, or whatever the darling cult of the day.

All this to say, listen to people when they are sincere but as our Lord says, Eph 5:16
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil... Knowing because we are wise as serpents but not a serpent itself because Christ said Eph 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise...
How do you walk circumspectly, read God's Word, how do you keep from being the fool, pray, how do you become wise, read God's word and pray.
Back to the stop:
On the 24th I could not believe what was happening. Byron Porter had called the day prior to chat about ministry things and said he would come to the "stop" the next night. Not only that, he said he would bring a friend, David, who he had met from the church he attends. Think about it, approx. 4 weeks or more ago I was doing the Lone Ranger thing, now here were 4 well seasoned street evangelists ready to do the Lords work. I'm still amazed at what Christ does in the hearts of a few.

I have slept since that time so I have a vague memory as to who talked to whom. I know Byron talked to a man that took up most of his time. David had most of the conversations as though he had been there many times. Jeff had a few conversations and I had one with my first atheist; Barbara.

The biggest testimony though is that we covered at least 80% of the stop with conversation and tracting. Incredible eh?

I don't have any pics to look at for this blog. Maybe next time.

Act 12:24
But the word of God grew and multiplied.

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