Paul Washer: Be a Man

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dallas West End With My Wife

Last night I went to the famous Dallas West End in Dallas Texas. This is a place set off to be rustic old style western with a charm of it's own. The charm is a little bit like the Stock Yards in Fort Worth, ( Last night was special, my wife was with me. She knew I was going by myself to do something I had never done before here in the states. I'll get back to that later though. The picture you see below is my wife standing on the street of Dallas West End proper in my opinion.

Here is my wife Carla standing in front of one of many restaurants within a two block area. Many people party, have dinner and stay for vacations. Needless to say there are many sinners here too. The picture is taken facing the west. East of this are some bus and train stations where gangs, poor people, drunks, and tourists wait for their rides. That's where I end up passing out tracts.
The area where the busses stop is big. A lot of people sit there for hours passing the time while others wait for their bus of choice.
Back to what I was getting at earlier. My wife came out to support me in my first try at open air preaching on US soil. This is a blog for my own memory to allow me to go back to check this date reference that says, one open air on Saturday night, August 23rd 2008. Yes something minor for most people to speak in front of crowds or a small audience, but humungous for me. Just ask my wife. Yes the polls say that people would rather die than speak in public.
I don't want this to take precedence over what really happened last night. Last night the Gospel was preached and people were listening. Christ said that's how people are saved. By my obedience to do this mnor thing, people heard the Gospel. Praise God for His confounding ways in which He prefers to save sinners from the wrath of Himself! The preaching or proclamation of His word to sinners. Incredible.
Also last night allowed me to show my wife what I do on most of my weekends away from her. She saw first hand that witnessing is not arguing, straining to get your wisdom out to people or grudging through hordes of people in hopes to get the Word into strangers hands. She saw the easiness of talking to strangers about the Lord and His plan of salvation to sinners.
Christ could easily allow a way that all men would bow the knee willingly. He doesn't. He chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Thank God He counts me as foolish.
Their is nothing else worth doing in this world like proclaiming the Gospel of God.

Deu 32:3
"For I proclaim the name of the LORD; Ascribe greatness to our God!

Luk 9:60
But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God."

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