Paul Washer: Be a Man

Monday, April 7, 2008

Big Weekend Big Evangelism Big Texas Motor Speedway

This weekend went as fast as the Samsung races. A gazillion people to witness to, and a handful of people trying to talk to as many people as possible. Jon, Tim, Jimmy, Chad and I were up to the task, and my son, Caleb, was right there by my side. Praise God for His many blessings. He chooses fallible people for His perfect task, evangelism on the front lines.
This man wearing the goat refused a track. I had to talk him into taking one. He told me "do I look like I need God?' I told him that Judas had to point out who Jesus was with a kiss. The officials could not even identify who Jesus Christ was that night in the garden!

Here to the left are what you can count on sometimes. Roll of the eyes as soon as you tell them about the Gospel. Fine with me. There are many men and women that rolled their eyes at my Lord and then crucified Him?
Don't ever stop proclaiming the Gospel, even if they roll their eyes, fidget, talk too much or whatever.

Psa 33:8
"Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him."

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