I asked him right then if I could witness to him. He said "I don't have time", I said give me 5 minutes! He said, I'll give you 2. I'm thinking he just gave me one more minute than I needed, praise God for His exhortation, 2Ti 4:2 preach the word; be ready in season {and} out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
Christian friend, are you ready? Are you ready for the challenge of giving the Gospel to a sinner who doesn't want to hear the Message of the Gospel? Excuses? Would you say to Leo, oh! you caught me off guard, I need my Bible, this is not the right time, this is not fair, the tract will speak for me, how much are those tickets Leo?, blah blah blah. Today is the day for salvation. We don't know the number of days to live. Do it now, be ready with the answer and you might be the tool used to snatch a soul from hell!
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